1 开发人员提供的错误信息
"got minus one from a read call",这是一个 Java Exception,java.sql.SQLException: Io exception: 。
数据库环境是 AIX,Oracle。应用环境是 maximo 一个连接池,应用 A 两个连接池,还有一个报表程序没使用连接池,都使用同一个数据库用户 max61。
现象是总 session 达到 100 左右,max61 就无法建立新数据库连接了(程序及 PL/SQL 都是)。必须把应用重启,session 都释放了才能连接。
2 在 PL/SQL 中不断建立连接,使问题重现。
PL/SQL 提示错误:
Could not logon as max61
ORA-12537: TNS: 连接已关闭
3 查看 C:\Program Files\PLSQL Developer\sqlnet.log 文件,其中记录错误如下
Fatal NI connect error 12537, connecting to:
(DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)(HOST=\Program Files\PLSQL Developer\plsqldev.exe)(HOST=APPSERVER-2)(USER=Administrator))))
TNS for 32-bit Windows: Version - Production
Windows NT TCP/IP NT Protocol Adapter for 32-bit Windows: Version - Production
Time: 28-9月 -2009 10:25:58
Tracing not turned on.
Tns error struct:
nr err code: 0
ns main err code: 12537
TNS-12537: TNS:连接关闭
ns secondary err code: 12560
nt main err code: 507
TNS-00507: 连接已关闭
nt secondary err code: 0
nt OS err code: 0
4 查看数据库 listener.ora 文件,其中记录错误如下
28-SEP-2009 11:07:36 * (CONNECT_DATA=(SID=hxmis)(CID=(PROGRAM=)(HOST=__jdbc__)(USER=))) * (ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=tcp)(HOST= * establish * hxmis * 12518
TNS-12518: TNS:listener could not hand off client connection
TNS-12549: TNS:operating system resource quota exceeded
TNS-12560: TNS:protocol adapter error
TNS-00519: Operating system resource quota exceeded
IBM/AIX RISC System/6000 Error: 11: Resource temporarily unavailable
5 查看 oralce 文档 TNS-00519
提出的解决方法有两个,一是修改 Oracle 的 PROCESSES 参数,二是解决 sqlnet.log 或 listener.log 中记录的操作系统问题
TNS-12549/ORA-12549: TNS:operating system resource quota exceeded and TNS-00519: Operating system resource quota exceeded
Cause: A quota or hard limit imposed by the operating system has been exceeded.
Possible limits include:
* The maximum number of processes allowed for a single user
* The operating system is running low on paging space
Action: Perform the appropriate action:
Increase the number of processes by setting the PROCESSES parameter in the database initialization file to a larger value.
Check the sqlnet.log or listener.log file for detailed error stack information, such as an operating system error code to help identify which quota has been exceeded.
listener.log 中有操作系统错误的文字描述:IBM/AIX RISC System/6000 Error: 11: Resource temporarily unavailable
6 Google: TNS-00519 Operating system resource quota exceeded aix 连接
TNS-12518: TNS:listener could not hand off client connection
TNS-12549: TNS:operating system resource quota exceeded
TNS-12560: TNS:protocol adapter error
TNS-00519: Operating system resource quota exceeded
IBM/AIX RISC System/6000 Error: 11: Resource temporarily unavailable
检查了内存还有好几个G,再检查了ulimit -a,也都设置的比较大,再用df -k检查了文件系统,除了/usr,其他都空的比较多。清除/usr/tmp下面的一些垃圾,还是没有解决。
后来google了一下TNS-00519 IBM/AIX RISC System/6000 Error: 11: Resource temporarily unavailable,返回结果只有三篇。不过在第一篇文章http://blog.oracle.com.cn/html/77/t-132377.html的一位强人的答复中, 针对Error: 11: Resource temporarily unavailable问题提到了处理方式是Increase the appropriate OS kernal parameters for 'maximum number of processes allowed per user'.
附:用lsattr -E -l sys0|grep maxuproc可以查看maxuproc当前设置,通过root用户执行chdev -l sys0 -a maxuproc=1024 就可以修改为1024.
7 实际操作
以 root 用户分别登录到 51、52 两台机器上
执行:chdev -l sys0 -a maxuproc=1024
将操作系统用户最大进程改为 1024